Quote Cart

This helps your customer see their request while they haven't submitted request yet and still go shopping around on your website.

Note: See how it works at our demo store: https://quotesnap-demostore.myshopify.com/ (password: 1)

You can edit how it looks with our setting here.


You can select position of your Quote cart.

If you put your Quote cart button on the left or the right of your website, you can change the margin position as you want.

  • Don't show with empty quote: If you don't turn this on, when there's no product in the request, it will show the empty list. If your turn this on, if there's no product in Request. "View Quote" button is off.

Text & Button

Note: If you choose your Quote cart position is "next to cart icon", you cannot change text or button because it only show a icon.

Last updated